

Livin' a TV Dream

It's summertime, which means at this point, almost all my favorite shows have gone into hiatus (True Blood excluded, which just started up a few weeks ago). I usually take this opportunity to tackle a TV series that I've been meaning to get into for a while or just want to revisit.

Alex and I have been steadily making our way through (rewatching) Battlestar Galactica over the past several months, which we've both watched before but is good to revisit. Hindsight is 20/20, of course, so you notice so many little things that you missed before that makes the second (or third or fourth) viewing totally worthwhile. If you haven't seen the show, don't let the name or fact that it's set in space and there are robots scare you away (the same way you wouldn't/shouldn't look down your nose at Game of Thrones for being all medieval [kinda?] and having dragons), it's highly recommended, damn good TV. Whether you've watched the series before or not, both are currently available for streaming on Netflix & Hulu.


Secondly, on the recommendation of basically everyone on the planet, I've finally watched (most of) The Wire. I know, I'm like, 5+ years too late but please, for the love of all that is good in the world, WATCH THIS SHOW. I've just started Season 5 so I'm sad that it's almost over but I'm too obsessed to slow down. It's in a league of it's own, I can't think of any show like it (or if another one could even be done), which makes it hard to describe to other people wondering what all the hype is about, so I just end up blabbering something about drugs and politics and murder and law enforcement and and and JUST WATCH IT OKAY.

Bodie Broadus, let me love you.

But on that note, I'm almost done with this series so I'll need something else to watch between now and September, help a sister out with suggestions! As you can probably see from this post and past blog posts about TV, I'm pretty much an equal opportunity television viewer. But I think I'll want to dive into somewhat lighthearted series, in light of The Wire breaking my heart on a consistent basis lately.


All Hail West Texas, Pt. 2 (More Pictures)

When I left off the last post, we had just started (full) Day 2 at Big Bend. We ate breakfast and packed up the camp since it was to be our last night there and hit the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive through the park. We stopped along the way and hiked the Mule Ears Point Trail, which I found more forgiving than the Window trail, despite the lack of shade. We hiked all the way down to Mule Ears Spring, which was all dried up, despite all the rain we got the previous night and back to the car, about 3 miles round-trip. From the trailhead, it was back on the road with stops at Tuff Canyon for some pretty scenic views.

See the "mule ears" in the distance?

Tuff Canyon

Cerro Castellan as seen from Tuff Canyon


When I Grow Up

The question of what I want to do when I grow up has been looming large in my life lately. A forum that I frequent just had a discussion about quarter-life crises this morning. I had a job interview last week that asked me what my dream job was. A couple weeks ago, I took a psychology test that is supposed to overlap your skills, interests and aptitudes and suggest areas of development. As my 27th birthday approaches (June 22, for those keeping score and/or watching my Amazon wish list), I think I can't help but feel a little anxious over here. Aren't I supposed to know by now? Why haven't I figured everything out? How is grownup formed?

All Hail West Texas, Pt. 1 (Picture Heavy)

I just got back from the most amazing Memorial Day Weekend, I hope all you Americans enjoyed yours, as well. And the non-Americans, I hope you enjoyed your non-Memorial Day weekend, too!

My boyfriend has been trying to get me out to Big Bend National Park in West Texas basically since we started dating a few years ago. I was a Girl Scout for ten years but with my mom being the leader, we were more Troop Beverly Hills than Red Feathers* types. I am also blessed with biology that causes me to be swarmed by mosquitos and other insects that want my blood within mere minutes of being outside, making me not a prime camping candidate. When we first got together, I wasn't as Outdoor Afro** as I am now so he had to ease me into the idea with short hikes and picnics around Austin to longer day trips and camping overnights at state parks in our area. After a successful 3 day/2 night stay at Rocky Mountain National Park last summer during which I wasn't eaten by any bears or cougars, I finally relented to the Big Bend trip last fall.

We left out late on Friday night so we didn't arrive at Big Bend until after 1 a.m. As soon as we got there, we staked out an unoccupied campsite at the Chisos Basin campground and Alex quickly set up the tent while I took care of the reservation fees. The night sky was so clear you could see the Milky Way so I begged Alex to take the rain cover off the tent so we could sleep under the stars. The drive in was especially dark and creepy (no lights along the roads) but the campsite was quiet and peaceful, so I really had no idea what to expect when I woke up in the morning.


Reason #147510751071 Why I Need a Dog

My 90s nostalgia kick has officially reached critical mass because I actually spent 99 cents in the App Store for the Hatchi app, which pretty faithfully transfers strangely addictive experience of owning Tamagotchi from cheap plastic to a $500 smartphone. Not I named my first Hatchi Joffrey I guess because for some reason I subconsciously wanted him to be the worst.

Well, mission accomplished... seriously, what kind of monster hates pizza? Pretty much up there with beheading and baby murdering.

It's not quite a substitute for my desire having a furry buddy around (which has also reached critical mass... I actually went to a pet store & hung out with some rats today) but a fun distraction for only a little over a dollar after tax.